Brandt is a multi-disciplinary Internet consultant who has been writing software for over twenty-five years, building web sites for over twenty years, and has over fifteen years of experience managing teams of engineers and designers. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies including Procter & Gamble, Starbucks and Lubrizol; government departments including the U.S. Department of Energy and the Nevada Department of Education; educational institutions including the University of Massachusetts and the University of Minnesota, medium to large businesses such as FiberMark and Rodale, and small businesses like BuildingGreen and MakeMeSustainable.
Brandt is the Principal of Logic Branch Productions, a boutique agency that specializes in emerging Internet technologies. For example, Brandt worked with Vermont Studio to create an iPhone app for Land Rover USA, to demonstrate interactive alternatives to their printed manuals and instructional DVD’s. Logic Branch also works regularly with Seymour Creative Incorporated on rich media projects, such as their recent work together for the Lubrizol Corporation to create branding and multimedia assets for the launch of Trident H-E-I, a lubricant additive enabling the use of alternative fuels.
Prior to founding Logic Branch, Brandt was the Director of Technology and a Partner at Green River Data Analysis, a technology consulting firm based in Brattleboro, Vermont, where he was responsible for custom software development and application service provider (ASP) operations. Brandt’s projects included managing a custom e-commerce and e-publishing platform for BuildingGreen.com, developing a social carbon footprint calculator for MakeMeSustainable.com, creating a set of cradle-to-grave life cycle analysis calculators for the International Design Center for the Environment, and building a custom e-commerce platform for Alonovo.com based on Amazon’s developer APIs. He also led a project for Starbucks Corporate Social Responsibility division to create a web-based auditing and reporting system for their ethical coffee-sourcing program C.A.F.E. Practices. Brandt designed a multi-lingual system to be used by dozens of independent inspection organizations, with support for disconnected operation while on-site in coffee-growing fields around the world, and with round-trip data integration into Starbucks’ internal supply chain management software. The modernization of the C.A.F.E. Practices system allowed Starbucks to increase coffee purchases through C.A.F.E. Practices from 155 million pounds (53% of their total coffee purchases) in 2006 to 299 million pounds (81% of total) in 2009. Green River’s other clients that Brandt worked with include the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Education, Vermont Department of Education, Nevada Department of Education, University of Vermont, University of Virginia, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and the National Education Association.
Before joining Green River, Brandt was a Senior Developer at Palm, Inc, where he built significant parts of their software infrastructure for the Palm i705, their first “always-on” wireless device. Prior to that, Brandt was an adjunct professor at Marlboro College’s Graduate School and the Lead Programmer for the college’s Technology Center, a skunkworks offshoot of the graduate school. Brandt’s projects at Marlboro included developing a new online mapping system for the Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development, an e-commerce and e-publishing system for Davis Publications, and a complete online courseware platform for Massachusetts General Hospital’s Institute for Health Professions. Before Marlboro, Brandt was a partner at Core Information Technology, Inc, a consulting firm in Buffalo, NY providing custom intranet software. For Hodgson Russ LLP, a law firm with more than 200 attorneys spanning offices in seven U.S. cities, Core developed an intranet application that encompassed over 30 modules including content management, resource scheduling, and discussion forums.
Brandt graduated summa cum laude from Marlboro College with a B.A. in computer science, having performed original research into the RSA encryption scheme used to secure online commerce.
Outside of the office, Brandt can usually be found either on the flying trapeze rig at the New England Center for Circus Arts, or running on the Retreat Trails in preparation for a marathon, or camping and canoeing with his children.